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Objective 3: Positive expressions of Pacific culture are safeguarded and promoted, and integrated across our work to support human rights, gender equality and social inclusion. 

HRSD’s work under objectives 1 and 2 includes the right to practise positive expressions of Pacific culture. Objective 3 captures work in elevating positive expressions of Pacific culture and appropriate traditional knowledge and systems at various levels, including profiling internationally, promoting regionally and enhancing nationally. This objective also includes culture as an enabling factor for driving other divisional priorities, and is therefore mutually reinforcing

SPC is the only Council of Regional Organisations in the Pacific (CROP) agency with a dedicated culture mandate and programme of work. HRSD’s leadership of culture in the Pacific encompasses a broad portfolio, not only contributing to but driving components of the 2050 Strategy for a Blue Pacific Continent, Pacific Regional Culture Strategy (PRCS) and SPC Strategic Plan. These critical strategic documents have elevated the importance of safeguarding and promoting Pacific culture. Culture for development approaches recognise culture as a driver, vector, enabler and catalyst for sustainable development, including as a cross-cutting component.  

Work under this objective includes:

  • Working with or for indigenous peoples and local communities in the Pacific to protect and promote cultural identities and approaches.  
  • Strengthening the culture for development agenda.
  • Working with and elevating cultural and creative industries, for example through custodianship Festival of the Pacific Arts and Culture – the world’s largest celebration of indigenous Pacific islanders.
  • Promoting Pacific approaches and methodologies.
  • Leveraging culture as a driver for attitudinal or behavioural chance, for example in EVAWG.
  • Facilitating pathways for economic empowerment of artists and cultural producers.
  • Convening and engaging with strategic regional and international forums.
  • Identifying and enhancing opportunities for intergenerational transfer of cultural knowledge and leadership to young people. 

Projects contributing to Objective 3 include: