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Objective 4: SPC programmes and operations apply the people-centred approach and uphold and advances human rights and good governance, gender equality and social inclusion, and positive expressions of Pacific culture. 

Objective 4 focuses on HRSD’s critical role in mainstreaming across SPC. Foundational to this objective is the Division’s work in mainstreaming the people-centred approach (PCA). It aims to progress human rights, gender equality and social inclusion, and positive expressions of Pacific culture and values in an integrated manner across all SPC interventions. 

HRSD has a mandate to support progress towards thematic priorities across the organisation. Work under this objective is performed together with technical and scientific Divisions, their external programs, and internal corporate operations. This objective combines the critical strategies around mainstreaming a PCA across SPC with other mainstreaming priorities. It elevates HRSD’s role in supporting other areas of the organisation to embed approaches that prioritise the needs of the most vulnerable and marginalised.   

Approaches under this objective include: 

  • Application of PCA in the programme management cycle to optimise implementation across all elements of HRSD interventions.  
  • Supports the implementation of the Social and Environmental Responsibility (SER) policy and coordination of the SER helpdesk. 
  • Rollout of the SPC-wide SER marker tool, in collaboration with the Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability programme and the SPC’s Strategic Planning and Learning Division. 
  • Working with technical and scientific Divisions to ensure PCA is centralised in Divisional business plans, programmes and projects. 
  • Working with technical and scientific Divisions to mainstream gender equality, social inclusion, traditional knowledge and positive expressions of culture in Divisional business plans, programmes and projects. 
  • Promoting women’s leadership in SPC and regionally. 
  • Strengthening Divisions’ capacity to engage with civil society and create spaces for engagement. 
  • Facilitating connections across Divisions to ensure integrated approaches, including through the development of the Gender flagship and mainstreaming of PCA across the other three SPC flagships.
  • Supporting operational teams to develop a people-centred workforce and inclusive people-centred organisational policies, processes and systems (e.g. policy development, recruitment practises, induction programmes, procurement processes). 

Projects contributing to Objective 4 include: