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The EU-funded MICCO19 will boost local food production through the provision of conventional seeds and traditional planting material and improving and sustaining livestock production. In addition to integrating a People Centred Approach across its work, the project will:

While Pacific Island countries have, for the most part, avoided major health crises triggered by the global COVID-19 pandemic, they nevertheless face significant threats from the economic conditions it has brought about. In the North Pacific, these conditions pose a significant threat to food and nutrition security in countries largely dependent on food imports and the movement of goods, which are now significantly curtailed by reduced international and inter- island connectivity.

Furthermore, COVID-19 has worsened social divisions and inequalities at an alarming rate, reversing many development gains and highlighting the need for a more effective approach to achieving sustainable outcomes. To achieve this, SPC is implementing the ‘ISACC: North Pacific Food Security Governance Project’, funded by USAID with the generous support of the American people.

The project aims to put Pacific people at the heart of food security and emergency response frameworks, to ensure locally ownership, contextualised approaches and sustainable outcomes.

Project Goals


To increase the impact of ‘ISACC: North Pacific Food Security Governance Project’, USAID and the EU have joined forces to co-finance this work and the Micronesia Response to COVID-19 (MICCO19) - an additional project funded by the EU and implemented by SPC in the target countries of FSM, RMI and Palau. The objective of MICCO19 is to address food and nutrition security impacts resulting from COVID-19, through strengthened and resilient food systems and good governance - see overleaf for more details.

The co-financing partnership between the EU, USAID and SPC will mean the implementation of a People Centred Approach throughout MICCO19, placing Pacific people at the heart of its design and execution. This partnership will contribute to the shared commitment of all parties to support the self-reliance of Pacific Island Countries by enabling more sustainable outcomes and greater community ownership through the People Centred Approach.


The SPC People Centred Approach to development is uniquely suited to the Pacifc and the development challenges highlighted by COVID-19. It brings together methods that ensure the application of human rights, gender equality and social inclusion, and ensures development is culturally contextualised and environmentally sustainable. A People Centred Approach to food security and emergency response means placing people at the centre of planning, implementation, decisions, discussions, monitoring, and reporting. It recognises Pacifc people as unique individuals with valuable contributions, experiences and skills that must be at the heart of these areas of work to achieve sustainable outcomes.

P - Participation: to the greatest possible extent, facilitate the direct and meaningful participation of affected people and communities in food security and emergency response.

L - Link to rights: All food security and emergencyresponse programmes will be guided by humanrights standards, commitments and normative frameworks.

A - Accountability: Information on food security and emergency response work being done and money being spent, is made available  to affected communities.

N - Non-discrimination: Food security and emergency response programmes will benefit all communities equitably and not discriminate on any grounds.

E - Empowerment: All food security and emergency response programmes will empower Pacifc people in all their diversities with  knowledge and expertise.

T - Transforming social norms: All food security and emergency response programmes will work to transform systemic barriers to sustainable development.

Institutional Strengthening in Pacific Island Countries to Adapt to Climate Change (ISACC)

ISACC was a five year, USD 5 million project to strengthen the national institutional capacity of countries to effectively plan for, coordinate and respond to the adverse impacts of climate change. This was achieved through activities designed around three key results areas:

COVID-19 and the threat to critical Pacific food systems it poses highlighted the value of institutional governance strengthening beyond the original ISACC focus of climate change and disaster risk reduction. The extension of ISACC through the North Pacific Food Security Governance Project will allow SPC and USAID to strengthen good governance of food security interventions and ensure they are effectively and equitably implemented to the greatest benefit of those who need them most, including people who are marginalised or excluded.

Feedback & Engagement Mechanism

A People Centred Approach requires affected communities to be able to provide feedback throughout the entire life cycle of any project.

The ISACC: North Pacific Food Security Governance Project feedback and engagement mechanism has three components to meet this requirement.

Project Contact Information

Ashley Bowe
ISACC: North Pacific Food Security Governance Project Manager
[email protected]

Joeteshna Zenos
USAID: Development Specialist / ISACC Focal Point
[email protected]


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